Working woman

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Earlier today I finished filling out an application for Round Rock Independent School District. I am planning on returning to teaching next year, and because of a new school opening up next year I thought I'd go ahead and turn in my application now.

Before I hit the "submit" button on the online application I was really excited about returning to work. However, as soon as I clicked on "submit" I became sad.

Most of me wants to go back to work and bring home money for our house, contribute to society (whatever that means), and do what I enjoy doing. But I really hate thinking about the huge change of not being with Reagan 24/7. (Although when I put it that way, it makes me look forward to working again.)

I am also feeling that nervousness that comes with putting yourself out there. I would hate to be rejected, and I really, really want to work for Round Rock ISD. My dream would be to teach in the elementary school where Reagan would go, but I don't want to get my hopes up. Let's just pray for a job in the district at this point.

Ah. The joys (stresses) of motherhood....


Unknown said...

GL honey, I know that this is going to continue to be an "issue" until you are really settled with the idea. But you are out there now and you can always say no too. :)

emily said...

Congratulations on going for it! I will say a prayer that the plan works out as it should :)

Mommy said...

Teaching gives me the best of both worlds...I have summers and holidays off and Tommy gets to play with other kids ALL day. GOOD LUCK! Its always an issue for moms, but if its meant to be - it will work out!!

rebekca said...

You'll be blessed whichever route you take!

I do have a very high respect for teachers. It takes a different breed, is what I always say...