Hard Earned Cash

Sunday, January 27, 2008

I know that I have mentioned it before...especially before Christmas...but David and I have done a horrible thing in that we bought Reagan lots of toys. For no good reason. And this has spoiled him a bit. I don't believe that he's a brat or anything, but he certainly doesn't appreciate the things that he has. Don't get me wrong...he LOVES his stuff, and he plays with most of it. But he always. ALWAYS. asks for new things. On a daily (or hourly) basis.

So we had put a stop to our rotten behavior.

Until we started potty training.

Every time Reagan reached a big milestone we would go and get a new toy. He usually only wants a $3.50 new Cars car, so it hasn't been that big of a deal. He got something new for the first time he peed on the potty. The first time he peed without throwing a fit on the potty. The first time he did something on the potty while we were out somewhere. The first time he pooped. (the only time for that matter) And that has been it. He'll get something else if he regularly poops on the potty. And he's working towards a real fish tank when he's totally trained.

He does get the idea that he's getting a new toy because of his successes on the potty. However, whenever he picks out something new he sees another new thing that he starts "needing". So we took a friend's advice. Reagan now earns a dime at night if he does his chore--which is clean up his toys in the living room before we go to bed. If he doesn't clean them up or help us, then he doesn't get his dime. We told him that he is now earning money so he can buy his own toys.

Well, tonight we emptied his piggy bank to count how much he has. And he had enough to go out and get something.

I'm not sure if he fully understands that it was his money that paid for his toy, but I think that will eventually become clear.

I hope this all works. I need to get a part time job just to fund his toy addiction.


Mommy said...

My son likes to carry his piggy bank around the house and say OINK OINK. I think he's implying that the pig is greedy and eats all his $$....I hope Reagan gets it! It sounds like a good idea!

rebekca said...

I like this idea. I REALLY like this idea.

Sebi has to clean up the living room and his bedroom every night, so I think this is the perfect reward for him!

thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of very loved and very normal children! Alex and Martha both received small toys whenever they behaved well while shopping. Eventually, they got too big for that, but "needed" something anyway. Alex will even say "..but Mom, it's the last one!!" You are smart to start letting Reagan earn and spend HIS OWN money now. If you are consistent, you'll save yourself lots of grief later on!