Bee You Tee Full Day

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Our day:

  • My dad spent the night with us. Before he left we all went to McDonald's for breakfast. This was a bit of treat for Reagan since he had never had breakfast there before. However, he was upset that he didn't get a toy with his pancakes. Whatever...he decided the fact that Grandaddy sat in the backseat with him there and back was better than a toy!!!
  • It was 70 degrees here today. David, Reagan and I spent some time outside playing soccer, t-ball, and golf. Well, I played golf. With Reagan's clubs. He watched from the back porch.
  • David's mom came over to hang out with Reagan while I was here. This way he would see that Tita just doesn't come over when I leave. They had a great time. So did I.
  • I played Rayman 2 on Wii while Reagan napped and David worked in the living room. I'm getting pretty good at game playing, now. Not great...but much better than I was last week. I highly recommend this game just because it is incredibly silly. And it is tons of fun.
  • FREE DINNER!! We had a gift card. Can't beat free.
  • David finally found Guitar Hero 3. I'm a bit surprised that he didn't connect that sucker while I was putting Reagan to bed. Instead, he's working.
  • I'm having a glass of wine, and I'm getting ready to watch (can't believe I'm confessing this) the Miss America Pageant. I watched the Miss America realty show on TLC for the past month, and now I'm really interested in who wins.

Hopefully I'll come up with something interesting to blog about tomorrow.


Mommy said...

It sounds like it was a GREAT day!

Unknown said...

You're right - can't beat FREE! Esp. dinner. Sounds like a great day, I can't wait to have 70 degree days again! Alas, it will be another 2 months at least.