Help Wanted: Successful Potty-Training Mom

Thursday, January 03, 2008

I'm taking Em's advice. Reagan has been in real underwear all day today, and we're not going back. We're in it for the long haul. Oh gosh. What have I gotten myself into?

I have been getting wonderful tidbits of advice, and I want to follow all of them. But I feel like this day and half of Kelly Type Training has already done the damage of Reagan resenting the potty.

1. Give him one M&M for sitting on the potty and more or a bigger prize for doing something on it. (We actually have M&M treats through out most days. What else is there to give?? I'm thinking 1/2 a mini cupcake or something.)

2. Set a timer for every hour and put Reagan on the potty. (We've just constantly been asking, "Do you need to tinkle? Do you feel like you need to poop?" Every answer is "no".)

3. Use the big potty. (He HATES the big potty. Ok, so use a little potty. We have one, but it is entirely too small. We can't afford an extra potty. I think I just need to stick to the little potty until he has a few successes and then graduate to the big potty.)

4. Wear a pull up over his underwear if we need to run a quick errand. (I will definitely do this. This way we're not going back on the only underwear idea.)

I wish I could hire someone that is an expert at this so they can do all this work. :) I can pay you in mac and cheese.


emily said...

Instead of asking him if he wants to... tell him he has to?!?! And not so often, just every hour?

And you are right, he needs a more "signifcant" reward. Play in the water? Go outside? Play with fingerpaints? Sticker book? Jump on his bed? I don't know, what is a "big" bribe to him that isn't to you? Go visit daddy at work? Call a favorite friend on the phone to tell them? Chick fil A lemonade? Pennies in a jar?

I would also recommend getting a book from the library about potty training - for him. We have the one from Karen Katz we love. Molly is reading it now :)

There should also be LOTS of jumping up and down and hugs and kisses and OMG I AM SO PROUD OF YOU... over the top ridiculous even if just sitting and reading on the pot :)

If you keep asking him and he keeps saying no, and it is getting to be negative. Stop asking, and when he starts in his pants, run him (like a game) to finish on the potty.

Sorry this is so much writing - it is on my brain because there is a little one at daycare that is starting potty training... Molly's Age - which NO FREAKING WAY thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

To bad Jeremiah is so busy beacuae he's a pro at potty training!
You probably already heard this but it reall worked. What Jeremiah did was pick a day to have a "potty training party" he talked about it for days with Noah and then the night before the big day came he took Noah to the store and bought him whatever goodies he wanted. So everytime he sat on the potty he would get a snack. And when he actually went they sang, danced and ate more snacks...LOL! This went on for about five hours and then Noah was potty trained! Jeremiah also let Noah pick out a potty chair and cool new underware. You could try to find a potty seat on Craigs List...I'm all about Craigs List:) Oh and one last thing they also put underware on the stuffed animals and let them sit on the potty too and sang and clapped when Elmo went potty! I'm sure there was more to it but I was banned from the house and had to shopping so I don't know.

P.S have your hubs do a "potty training party" this Saturday it couldn't hurt to try it! Noah loved all that attention from his Daddy:)

Good Luck it will happen don't stress:)

rebekca said...

I love mac and cheese. but my son still wears a diaper during nap and bedtime. so, I think I suck at the transition...

good luck, though.

Mommy said...

All good advice - my brother did the book thing with his oldest...and LOTS AND LOTS of praise!! And NO choice...if it takes you sitting on the potty and trying everytime, too - go for it!

Anonymous said...

I have heard of the "potty training party" that Suzi mentioned! Great idea! Lots of snacks (and drinks - to make the boy potty more), and a whole day devoted to potty "fun". Good luck, Mommy! Keep us posted on the progress!

My little brother fought potty training until he was almost 3 1/2 - I still remember him screaming, "No big boy panties!" I think he's in big boy panties now - did you notice a diaper at our wedding? I don't think I did. Ha! ;-)