Not My Blog

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I'm taking this idea from Becky. This is not my post, but I am posting it. So this does fulfill my Blog365 requirements.

I was turned onto this website from my super friend, Tina...she has it listed in her blog roll. I was immediately hooked the very first time I visited the website. I think the pictures are amazing. I love the titles and captions she gives to each picture. And I thoroughly enjoy reading her posts.

Here is just one of her Daily Chuck's...

(photo by Heather Armstrong)
You should go and visit Dooce's website. Her pictures are wonderful, and I look forward everyday to seeing what she decided share with the world.


Unknown said...

I have seen her stuff before too and it just cracks me up. Thanks for the reminder!

emily said...

I love her site! Defintely in my Google Reads even if the feed doesn't work half the time :)