Sleeping with Slash

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I mentioned that we got Guitar Hero III on Saturday. This is David's new favorite game. I am horrible at it. I can't even imagine being able to complete one song~~I am that bad. David assures me that he was just as bad when he first started playing (we got the game for my little brother for Christmas, and David played a few times with him). Um, yeah. I don't think my two hands will ever be able to do two totally different things while my eyes are trying to read those two different things on the tv screen.

Last night we did our (late) nightly Wii ritual. David is working. My lame replacements of tv shows (due to writers strike) have all been watched off of Tivo, so I do the Fitness Test on Wii Sports. This gets David up off of the sofa for a little work break so he can do his Fitness Test. Most of the time this leads into a tennis game for him. This all happens at about 1am.

Well, tennis has been replaced with Guitar Hero. At THREE am, after having watched David rock out to three songs~~one of which was Barracuda and is now stuck in my head~~I decide to go to bed. When I crawl into bed I hear David say, "Oooh! A guitar challenge!!". I fell asleep to the sounds of the Wii guitar strumming...

This morning David said he was totally rocking it out. "I even kicked my leg!".

Oh. Um, that's great, Honey.

He went to bed at 4am after his concert. I don't think Slash is feeling up to playing tonight, though. He's too exhausted.


Sunshine said...

My boys don't let me have long enough turns for me to progress to leg kicking on Guitar Hero yet. Damn!

rebekca said...

Next time he's up late, try and stay awake long enough for when he makes it to bed.

Then when he walks in just lie there. But raise your hand high and sway with a lit lighter.

He'll love it.

emily said...

Guitar Hero is really really really hard. I have done the tutorial and I can do OK but haven't learned about star power and all that... of course Doug stayed up and did all the tutorials in one night...

Mommy said...

You just explained why I am not pushing for a husband would be up ALL night long playing ANYTHING. And I like Becky's idea! (You could use your cell phone - thats what all the kids are doing now!!)

Unknown said...

Freakin' hilarious. I could totally see myself sucked in to musician-mania if I had GH. My only question is if he can do the Axel sway?!