We're going back, back, back to school again!

Monday, January 07, 2008

(The title comes from the movie Grease 2.)

Two weeks at home seems like an entire summer vacation. Reagan goes back to Mother's Day Out tomorrow, and I think we are both equally excited about it. He is looking forward to seeing all of his friends~~Cash with whom he crashes cars with; Blake who eats dirt; Madison who has stinky poop; Makenzie who is Madison's twin (I wonder about her poop); Ella the granddaughter of someone famous; and Jizelle who Reagan calls "gazelle". (I'm sure Blake and Madison are happy that this is what Reagan pictures when he talks about them.)

I'm looking forward to my 4 hours of alone time tomorrow. I'm actually eager to go the gym. Yes, I did just say that. I'm looking forward to the potty training stress relief that the treadmill is going to bring me.

On a somewhat related note, I saw a brand-spankin' new baby this afternoon. She was doing the hungry cry. And for about 1 minute I thought, "Oh, I sure do miss that. (not the cry) Maybe we should have another one." And then I quickly thought of all of my friends that have 2+ kids. I admire them so much. They are all doing a wonderful job raising happy and healthy families of 4+. But I must really know myself, because I just don't think I could do it. I don't think Reagan is hard or "too much to handle". But I do believe that 2 would be hard and too much for me.

Our family is perfect right now. (Except for the schnauzer and shih tzu who like to snack from the litter box.)

Was that too much information? I have lost some judgement here since my brain is slowly oozing from ears due to Potty Boot Camp this evening...


rebekca said...


You stole my post title that I was saving for when I went back this semester....

All I've got now is to post about how I showed up dancing and taking my shirt off. I KID.

I'm looking forward to taking Sebi to Mother's Day Out tomorrow. Although, tonight he screamed,

"I don't want to go to school! I don't want to go to school!" over. and. over.

He's sooo getting m&m's in his lunch box.

I almost want to ask which gym you'll be at. If I am ready to let someone at the gym watch my babies who are no longer babies, I'd join you. I like to talk.


and I'll just stop with the long, long comment.

Kelly said...

Go ahead and ask away. I'd love to have someone to talk to. I go to LifeTime Fitness. That may be far for you...I don't know, though. It isn't like I actually know where you live. :)

emily said...

DUDE, Reproduction, Reproduction, baby give it to me now ROCKS!

Not TMI, just the exact right amount of TMI :)

Unknown said...

Kelly - I think that we need to add one more in the mix for deam - obviously she isn't done yet!! I will offer up my child! lol. Becky - she might tune you out on the treadmill, wear your glasses! lol

Kelly- have an awesome time at the gym!!! Thinking nothing regarding the potty, unless you have to go.

Mommy said...

I agree with Em - the reproduction song ROCKS...as does COOL RIDER....
Enjoy the gym....