The Power of Prayer

Monday, May 26, 2008

Over the past several months I have seen amazing things happen because of God and prayer. So I am sending out a prayer request to all (2?) of you that read this blog.

Oh, I know that there are more than 2, and I appreciate each and every one of you. And I need your help.

Tomorrow is a big day. It is probably the beginning of a very difficult time in this house. But I am fairly optimistic and very hopeful that I am wrong about that. I believe that through prayer this might be an extremely easy time for us.

We are re-starting potty training tomorrow. At precisely 8:30 am. Ok, not precisely. But at the exact time I (finally) go and get Reagan out of bed tomorrow morning.

Short story~~We tried to potty train in December. And we did ok. But Reagan HAD to wear pull-ups still to Mother's Day Out, so it was kind of pointless since he was dead set against pooping on the potty. Over the next several months we got lazier and lazier on potty training, and he was in pull-ups most of the day without using the potty.

That stops tomorrow. Since there is no more school until August, we are saying "good bye" to pull-ups. Kind of. We'll still say "hell0" to them at naptime and night time.

In all seriousness, I do need higher-powered help in all of this. I need the wisdom of knowing the best thing to do for Reagan.

And Reagan needs to lose his fear of pooping on the potty.

God, please help us.


Mommy said...

Tommy doesn't want to poop on the potty, either. He'll do it in the tub or he'll ASK for a diaper.
I'm going to do start that soon. He's getting pretty good at getting his pants on and off - so we're just about there.

May God be on YOUR side!!

rebekca said...

I think things are going to go much more smoothly with this one.


rebekca said...

ooohhh. good story I heard from one of my best friends today.

She got up this morning to go and check on her twin boys who were mysteriously quite from the time she had heard them wake up.

she gets there and one of them has his pants and pamper OFF and is peeing on his matress.

when he sees her, he says, "it's RAINING!"