Little Picasso

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I don't have too much time right now to write everything that I want to because we are in the middle of bedtime routine. Reagan says the funniest things, as most toddlers do, and I really want to share them with you AND have a record of these sayings. However, he said something very cute tonight that I thought I would post while I have 1/2 a second.

Aunt Colleen, Reagan and I went to the mall this evening, and we were on our way to meet Uncle John for dinner. Uncle John had just finished picking up a new truck, and I asked Reagan what color he thought it would be (knowing what the answer would be...). He replied, "Yellow." By the way, this is his favorite color, and he is ready for me to get a yellow pedicure. When we pulled up next to Uncle John's new truck, Reagan, from the back seat, says in a most disappointed voice, "Its black." Aunt Colleen quickly got out of the car to inspect their new purchase while I went to unbuckle Reagan from his seat. While I'm getting him out I asked Reagan if he liked Uncle John's new truck. He said, "I'll get a paintbrush and paint it yellow!".

Hide the paint cans, Uncle John!


emily said...

Overnight, it seems, our babies are using logic and language in a way that astounds me. And I need to see the yellow pedicure! You know you will do it :)

Anonymous said...

Too cute! I guess we know what to get Reagan for his birthday a yellow truck (or yellow anything for that matter) and a giraffe:)