New Smile

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Reagan woke us up early this morning by saying that he lost his tooth. I was immediately wide awake. He said that he just pushed his tooth out with his tongue.

Yuck. But ok.

Man-oh-man is this tooth tiny!! I'm so scared that we're going to lose it before the Tooth Fairy can come tonight.

Reagan believes that she will leave a platypus for him when she takes his tooth.

I hope he isn't too disappointed when he wakes up tomorrow.

A Mouth Full

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I took this picture just a few minutes ago. Look at all of those cute little teeth!! The one to the left of the space in his bottom teeth is just barely hanging on. One false move--an extra hard laugh, a sneeze, and run in with a wall--and that tooth will be flying out!

I am still not looking forward to his smile changing. I remember when that tooth first showed up when he was 4 months old, and I really missed seeing his cute little gummy smile.

3 months

4 months

I know that I'll get used to see all of those spaces and then all of those grown up teeth, but right now I just can't stand it! Sometimes his growing up seems to be on fast forward.


Off Limits

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Reagan has his first loose tooth, and I'm saddened by it. I'm just not ready for him to have "big people" teeth because, well, I don't want my baby to be a "big person" yet.

The loose tooth is a source of giggles, though. This sucker is LOOSE! But if I ask if I can wiggle it, he looks at me with a serious face (with a hint of smile) and says, "No! It is off limits."

I then ask if he'll wiggle it for me, and he says, "No, I don't know which one it is," or "No, it hurts," or "No, it is off limits."

I joke that he just pull it, because every meal now consists of his tooth hurting. Plus he now is biting into his food with his molars--I remember doing that as a kid, too, but I never knew how disgusting it could look! Anyway, when I tell him to just pull it, he says, "No, it will bleed," or "No, it won't come out," or "No, it is off limits."

I hope the Tooth Fairy doesn't claim her bag of quarters is OFF LIMITS! when the time comes...

Bats left

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Although Reagan is right handed, this is what happens when he picks up a baseball bat or a golf club:

Someone else I know does exactly the same thing--bats and golfs LEFT-HANDED, although he is right-handed.

Reagan's Grandaddy!