Three years ago...

Friday, October 05, 2007

...tonight, David and I were getting things ready to go to the hospital the next morning. I was scheduled to be induced at 7am on October 5th. We took a family picture (minus Meela and Mav) in the morning before we left. We went to Round Rock Donuts so that we would have treats to hand out to the nurses. I think the treats did their job because my nurses were spectacular!!!

Our incomplete family~~taken at around 6am on 10-5-04.

Looking at this picture shows me how much has changed in the past 3 years. David is tons thinner from all of his running. We don't have that coffee table. We don't have that carpet. We don't have those blinds. We don't have those curtains. We don't have those speakers hanging above the windows. There are different pictures hanging above the piano. And I don't have that belly. Ha! (I also don't have that bad hair.)


emily said...

It is amazing how the memories can crash over you but at the same time I feel like there is so much between that which was so vivid (the birth) and today that I can't picture or don't remember.

Unknown said...

Great memories to always have Kelly!! Thanks for sharing.