Going Against My Beliefs

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

No Wii yet. I'll be sure to let you all know.

For all of Reagan's life I have said over and over that I would NOT put him in Pull Ups. And I have said that I just want Reagan to be 100% ready to potty train so that it doesn't take a month of training~~just a day or so. And I have said that it doesn't matter to me when he is trained~~he won't be wearing a diaper when he graduates from high school.

And I still want all those things.

But something, I don't know what it was, changed my mind yesterday.

I'm ready for him to be trained. Or at least in the process of training. I think he's the only kid in his Mother's Day Out class that isn't in a Pull Up or in real underwear. And I'm really ok with that.

However, there are times when it gets to me that he's in a diaper. Like at church. He is in the toddler class at church because he's still in a diaper. I've been told that he can be in the very, very early stages of training to move up to the 3 year old class. And we walk by the 3 year old class and they are doing such fun age appropriate things. Where as in the toddler class they mostly just play with big toys (like a kitchen or ride-on things). And who wouldn't want to give that up, right? But as a mother I want him learning in Sunday school and doing more challenging things.

And he's by far the oldest kid in his Sunday school class. I jokingly tell him to help his teachers with the babies.

David said last night that he thinks Reagan is lazy. (His words, not mine.) I'm quietly agreeing with him. I think that Reagan IS 100% physically and mentally ready. He is just choosing not to sit on the potty.

So today he was in a Pull Up. (Oh my gosh!!!! Something I would never put him in.) He had a choice between a Pull Up and regular underwear. He decided on the Pull Up, and I went with it. He sat on the potty once~~nothing happened. I don't know if he tinkled in his Pull Up, but he did poop in it. It was time for a nap, so I put him in a diaper for the nap. I told him that he'd only wear a diaper when he sleeps.

So things are changing at our house. Today we officially started potty training. Who knows? I may be able to dedicate all 365 of these posts (new challenge--post EVERY STINKIN' DAY in 2008) to potty training. But please pray that maybe it will only take 3...or maybe 15...or even 30.

Pictures of the holidays coming soon.


Karen S. said...

You need potty training rewards. This product worked wonders for my son who was very stubborn and did not want to sit on his potty. As soon as I showed him what he would get to do after using his potty, bang we were off and runng. He is now fully potty trained. Here is the website www.pottytrainingrewards.com

emily said...

You know my thoughts :) Put him in underwear and prepare for 2 days of mess and daiper free life.

We did the bootcamp, went to undies or bare and stayed home for 3 solid days and used M&M's.

Whatever your method - love, consistency, and making sure he KNOWS there is no punishment or recrimination either way will give him the confidence to make the big step.

Accidents happen, no big deal, clean it up and move on with encouraging words.

My 2 cents.

I know you will BOTH do great!

Anonymous said...

I hear ya sister;D
If it wasn't for Jeremiah Noah would still be in diapers too.
P.S- I put him in diapers at nap time.
These Monday playgroups are so bad for us:( but I'm hoping Joshy is all better by next Monday so we can see everyone!!