The Problem and The Solution

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Reagan loves the movie Cars. Really loves it. I think we watch it at least 7 times a week. And before any judgement occurs, it is rarely watched in its entirety unless it is Saturday or Sunday. And if it is watched, it is the only thing that is watched on that day. (Um, most of the time.)

As much as Reagan loves the movie, it comes second to playing with and reenacting the movie with his own Cars. This must run in the family because David seems to enjoy doing this, too. (I'm the smart one behind the camera.)

Part of this play involves playing chase. Observe:

The piece you just watched is called "The Problem". If you are 3 your bones are very "mushy" for a lack of a better word (very scientific, I know...please remember I've been home away from teaching for 3 years), and your mushy bones can go around and around and around and around a chair while crawling on your knees. However, if your are 33 your bones have lost their mush-factor. David often complains (under his breath) that this racing hurts his knees.

A little background info: David has 1/2 a kneecap in one knee due to a mountain biking injury, and he has recently diagnosed himself with a torn meniscus in the other knee. He frequently becomes Dr. David when it comes to his body...Megan knows this well.

Ah. But however cute and dorky my Dr. Husband is, he is very smart and resourceful. Please observe the following film I have titled "The Solution":

This is just one of the reasons I married him...and I'm not talking about just his cleverness. There are lots of giggles going on in this house!


Unknown said...

That was absolutely hilarious!! I'm so glad that you posted it - it is like a David-ism!! lol

Anonymous said...

How funny!
Reagan looks like a little does he do that...strong legs:)
Thanks again for having us over we had a nice time! The boys fell asleep in the van as soon as we left your street!

emily said...

OK< that is F.U.N.N.Y... i love you saying you need to blog it :)

rebekca said...

That video is classic! David is such a sport. You can tell he's not on his "A Game" with this activity.

but I do love his solution. hee hee