Camera Woes

Sunday, April 27, 2008

On Easter Sunday, David accidentally left our camera at the park where we did our Easter egg hunt. So I don't have any pictures of Reagan from Easter in his super snazzy suit.

We found what I call our "brick" of a digital camera~~it is about the size and the weight of an actual brick. (I'm exaggerating, but just a tiny bit.) Pardon me, but it takes crappy pictures.

Anyways, Reagan wore his snazzy suit to church again today because it is absolutely FREEZING outside (again, a tiny exaggeration), and I took this opportunity to get some pictures of him looking so handsome.

But the camera takes crappy pics.

I have doctored these the best I could to fill in some light because the originals are soooo dark. Our kitchen floor is NOT yellow. His pants are NOT black, but brown. And Reagan's liver is working just fine...he is NOT jaundice.

I think you can still tell that he IS cute, though.


emily said...

Very.Very.Cute! And also? handsome :)

Sardonicus said...

One thought - make sure the camera is set to the highest resolution possible in its settings. I noticed that helped with ours. (Though the photos are still somewhat bleah.)


Mommy said...


Megan said...

1st. Adorable kid!
2nd. Super cute outfit!
3rd. I love your new background! Where did you find it?