Loving Our Home

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

(See? I told you I was going to start posting again.)

Click on all images to see a larger version.

Due to some circumstances our house hunt is no longer happening.

Oh? Didn't you know?? We were house hunting (via computer) a few months ago. I don't really know why. Mostly because we [David] would like Reagan to go to a "better" Round Rock school--a better high school. But, news flash!!! Reagan is only 5. We have a few years.

And really. What is the point in moving if you're happy with the neighborhood, happy with the school, happy with neighbors, and happy with the location? Maybe it is because you're not happy with the house.

Our house is ok. Yes, just ok--for now. We think it is a nice size, although one extra room for our extra junk would be nice. And I would really love for our kitchen to be open to the living room. And man-oh-man it would fabulous to use our garage for our cars. But all in all our house is nice.

BUT, it was built in the 90's. Before granite counter tops were the thing. Before ceramic tile was expected. Before dark cabinets were in. Before faux wood blinds were in every house.

We bought the house knowing that we wanted to make changes. The first changes were two new paint colors--one in the living room and one in the kitchen. Oh--we also had to take down some wallpaper in our eat-in kitchen area and the chair molding that went with it. UGLY!

Then we got pregnant, and our home improvements were kicked into high gear because we wanted to get rid of our gross carpet and linoleum. (Right now I'm sure my family is busting out laughing at the "high gear" comment.) David began changing our flooring into either hard wood or tile (while I was pregnant), and it is still a work in progress.

Reagan is 5. Years old. Do the math.

Recently I decided "No more cream molding and walls" and started painting the moldings white. I started that project last May. I have two rooms done and the entry way started.

David and I are a match made in heaven.

But, but, BUT!!! I have gotten motivated again. I just started reading a great blog called The Nester. I love it. She has so many inexpensive ideas on doing things so that you love your home. I have rearranged my living room furniture and pulled it off of the walls. Now everything is close to our fireplace, and it seems more cozy.

(See my white molding molding, door frames and mantle??)
(And see our brand new tv???)
(And maybe that yellow art doesn't really go well in there...)

I added a small lamp into our 1/2 bath. That one little thing has made such a difference!

The biggest change is that I'm adding window treatments to all of our rooms. We have measured all of our windows to get wood blinds. And we do have panels in our living room, but I'm tired of them. They are dark. And a solid color. And ugly. They really make the room dark. (see above pics) I want to change those and add to the rest of the house. The Nester has some many no-sew ideas which she calls "mistreatments", and that is what I'm doing. I'm mistreating my windows. Here is my first attempt:


During (already an improvement!)

After (still waiting on the blinds)

All of this was no-sew, and I didn't even purchase a curtain rod. The fabric I used is only $6.99/yard, and I didn't even get two yards! I used super cute upholstery tacks that cost me a whopping $.99 for all 10 of them!!

I don't think the pictures really show how cute they are. They don't poof--they droop from tack to tack.

I already have bought fabric for our bedroom, and I can't wait to tackle that project!!

The point of all of this is to love our home. Make it a place that we enjoy being.

I just hope it doesn't take as long to install granite counter tops as it does to install our floors.


Anonymous said...

I love it! I'm always looking for ways to inexpensively improve our home. And I am no Martha Stewart! I will have to check out that blog - thanks!


CJ said...

Super cute Kelly! I love it! I'm interested in the blog too!