This bed is enormous

Monday, August 13, 2007

This is the title of one of Reagan's favorite books. It was given to him by his Granny Linda around Easter time...a few weeks after we changed his crib into a toddler bed--which we called his big boy bed. This book is about a boy who is old enough for a "real" bed, but he is quite lonely in it. He decides to put a few of his stuffed friends into bed with him, but soon realizes that he is too crowded.

Well, Reagan now has a "great big boy bed"! We found a full size bed at IKEA last week, and David put it together this evening. Reagan is now sleeping in it with quite a few of his stuffed friends. He was very excited about it~~especially while Daddy was putting it together. He was also a very good helper. (pictures to follow soon) However, when I left his room tonight after doing a modified bedtime routine (because of the new bed) he seemed a bit anxious. He quickly fell asleep, though, and I'm sure every night from here on after will be smooth sailing.

The interior designer in me is more excited about this change than the boys are. I can't go 4 months without rearranging something in our house. I can not wait to share pictures of his new room with you all. I will post these as soon as I can. I did want to celebrate this new milestone with you all tonight, though. He was very proud of his new bed, and he loved having Mommy and Daddy laying in bed with him during story time. Gosh, I sure do love this little boy!