Home Alone

Saturday, January 19, 2008

David took Reagan to Home Depot a bit ago, and I have been cleaning the living room and kitchen and such. I love having this alone time~~even if I am doing chores.

Reagan is in a phase to where he is extremely attached to me. I find it very odd that at this age (3 and almost 4 months) that he can be this way. David and I believe that it is because he is with me all the time. But what are we supposed to do? David gets home at 7ish from work We eat dinner. We play. We go to bed. So I can leave Reagan in that short chunk of time.

Because of David's new job he is leaving the house earlier. Sometimes Reagan is awake before he leaves. Sometimes he isn't. David used to get Reagan up one day during the work week and on Saturday. But lately (for a couple of months now) Reagan freaks out if David goes into his bedroom to get him up. He screams at David saying, "I want Mommy!". He finally gets over it, but it is a pain in the butt for David to have to deal with that.

Back to being home alone. Right before they left Reagan screamed and cried and yelled because I wasn't going to Home Depot. He wanted to stay home. I decided that maybe he was hungry so the boys had a sandwich...then all was well.

David and I are going out tonight. Tita (David's mom~~short for Abuelita) will be coming over here. They have a good time and all, but I hate for him to be even the tiniest bit upset just because I'm not here.

I would think that at almost 3 1/2 he would be over this Mommy attachment, but he doesn't seem to be. David and I always, always, always talk about how we need to go out on dates more often, but it never seems to happen. I think that if we did Reagan would be so miserable without me.

The boys are home and are now riding bikes outside. I think I will go join them. I missed them. :)


rebekca said...

I hear you on the preferring mom front. We have been using this phrase with Sebi,

"it doesn't matter". EXample:
Sebi,Daddy is going to brush your teeth.
"I want mommy to do it"

"it doesn't matter who brushes your teeth." Mommy and Daddy both love you.

It hasn't really worked. but, I thought I'd throw it out there. :)

emily said...

Ahhhh, I am sure it will work itself out :)

Unknown said...

I was going to say that if you set a date night (consistently - every 2 wks or something like that) maybe Reagan would become used to Tita coming over and then it wouldn't be a big issue if you weren't there. 3yo's don't do well with change from what I understand (and have experienced). Hang in there, you will have plenty of you time when he is a t/ween - UGH!