Man of the House

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

David is away tonight on business. I'm in charge, but Reagan is the man of the house.

However, the man is not himself this week. He has had a wonderful attitude all week (the 3 days so far), but he hasn't napped. This is driving me nutty. I LIVE for those 3 to 3 1/2 hours of "alone" time. But lately I have been spending 2 hours in the afternoon listening to banging and laughing and screaming coming from the front room of our house.

I know some of you may be thinking "maybe he's ready to give up his nap". I don't think so. Maybe I'm in denial, but I don't think a kid can go from napping 3 1/2 hours daily to napping 0 hours.

So the man had to be taken care of this evening (instead of taking care of the rest of us) because he was exhausted. And on top of that, the man has a cough. The cough doesn't seem to be bothering him all that much because he's happy and playful, but he coughed so much today that I think it wore his little man body out.

By the way, a tired man of the house equals an exhausted mommy in charge.


emily said...

ROFL, yes no nap equals grumpy mommy around here :)

Unknown said...

UGH! How is he feeling now? Still coughing? Hope you are getting good nighttime sleep!

rebekca said...

I love the way you gave Reagan the ever-so-important title of "man of the house", and still maintained your out-ranking position of- mommy in charge.
