Thankful for the Little Things

Monday, December 10, 2007

It was my night to put Reagan to bed tonight. I was guiding him through his prayer tonight. It went something like this:

Me: Dear, God. Thank you for Daddy. Thank you for our family and friends. Thank you for helping Reagan feel better. Reagan, what do you want to thank God for?

Reagan: White.

Me: Thank you, God, for light.

Reagan: No. White the color.

Me: Oh. Thank you, God, for white.

Reagan: And yellow.

Me: And yellow.

Reagan (talking very quickly): And thank you for red. Red is like a monster. A monster with one eye. A triangle monster with snappy fingers. (He begins to snap his hands like crab claws.)

Me: Thank you, God, for red.

Reagan: Amen.

Um, ok. (I think God may have said "Um, ok" too.)


emily said...

I love the 3yo mind and it's wanderings! You learn something new every day :)

Anonymous said...

What an awesome prayer!