Bickering and Squabbling

Saturday, January 12, 2008

I don't have much time to write right now because David and I are getting ready to play a game.

Santa brought me Scene It? Squabble Edition for Christmas. And I really love it. It is a game that tests you knowledge on girly or manly movies, music, and pop culture. Very fun.

We're still looking to buy a Wii, and after reading this I am just about getting impatient! I want one so badly!!

Just a few updates and info:
~~The potty training is going ok. Reagan has success with tinkling in the potty everyday, but not every time. And he has told us several times when he needs to use the potty. So we're getting closer everyday to being fully trained.
~~He is running a fever right now. It is between 101 and 102.4 with no other symptoms really. He sounds like he could have a stuffy head, but it isn't totally convincing. And he acts just fine--except he didn't eat dinner. I hate it when he's sick. We're supposed to have a play date tomorrow with his very good friend Jack. So I hope he wakes up feeling well.
~~We just played the flashlight game for the first time. He sleeps with 2 small flashlights. And we played "chase" with the lights on the ceiling. I told him to try and catch my light totally thinking it might take a few minutes for him to catch on to the game and/or actually be able to follow my light. Nope!!! He followed perfectly, and he has no problem catching me! What a fun, cheap game.

Alrighty! Off for quality time with my husband. I'm going to kick his butt in this game. (He won last time, but I beat him badly the 2 times before that.)


emily said...

Ahhhh, what a very fun evening! I am totally stealing the flash light idea :)

rebekca said...

Hope he feels better. And I love the post title.

We do the flashlight thing too! and if anyone out there has a toddler, just handing them a flashlight (turned on) and letting them go is hours of entertainment.

Unless they keep shining it in their eyes, like my Gabi. He got cut off from flashlight time for the sake of his eyesight.