Note To Self

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Dear Self,

Remember this day. Remember this time. Remember what and how you have been feeling for the last few weeks. Remember your goals and desires and keep working towards them. Remember how the tiny little successes make you feel so good about yourself. Remember how in love with your life you are. Remember all of the joys. Remember how good God is. Remember all of the many, many blessings He has poured out onto your family. Remember this time. Remember this day.

Your self


Mommy said...

I think you should have changed the punctuation at the end to....
Keep up the hard work....the end goal is worth it!

Anonymous said...

You got it! I think remembering all of those things is key!

Anonymous said...

P.S- I stole your blogoversary idea...hope you don't mind:)

Anonymous said...

Lol, wow this is way too many comments to leave you in one day...I know, but we started our blogs on the same day? Weird!

rebekca said...

You're going to look back and smile with tears of joy at how wonderfully happy and blessed you are!

What a great keepsake of your personal thoughts to yourself...may have to "borrow" this one!