Independence Day...a Month Late

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Our July, 4, 2008 was a great holiday weekend. It started out on July 2 with sparklers in our backyard. This was our first year to get things for Reagan to sparklers, spinners, and 3 fountains. He loved the sparklers. The fountains? Not so much. I loved taking pictures with my new camera...experimenting with different settings and such.

The next evening was spent at Brushy Creek Lake park with some friends from our church. There was a wonderful fireworks show. It was so close that we had to lean back during the grand finale!! Reagan was "all done" as soon as it started, but once he covered his ears he was ok.

On the 4th my dad came down to spend the afternoon and evening with us. We met up with David's parents and went to Old Settlers Park in Round Rock for their show. We had a nice spot up on a hill where we saw about 8 different shows going on in the Austin, Round Rock, and in Pflugerville. Reagan watched maybe 3 actual fireworks, and then he proceeded to just run around like a crazy person.

That "crazy person" thing has now lasted for about 4 1/2 weeks. When does that stop??


Unknown said...

Sorry to say - it doesn't. Well it won't for you in the house. He will be an angel at school though!!