All Shook Up

Monday, August 04, 2008

I'm writing this pretty late at night. Even if I were in bed I think I'd still be awake. Because tomorrow is a big day, and I think my emotions would be keeping me up.

Tomorrow is Reagan's first day at his new preschool. And yes, he goes to Mother's Day Out during the school year, but this new school is different. He'll actually spend the whole day there, which is very new in our house.

My mom called this evening to see how Reagan is doing and if he's excited, but I think she may have called more for my well-being. For the most part I am very excited for him, yet a tiny part of me is nervous that he'll have a hard time adjusting. And let me stress that it IS a tiny part of me. He has proved to us over and over lately that he adjusts very quickly to being in new situations.

I am also looking forward to having 3 days this week to myself before I start back to work full time next week.

Here is where I think there will be a problem. I think 2pm will roll around, and I'll be itching to go and pick up my baby from school. I'll be bored. I'll be missing him. I'll want my little companion with me.

Tomorrow is a big day for all of us. It is the first day for this whole family where things will really start to change. It is kind of sad to let go of an old routine, but it is also very exciting to see how our family is growing and adjusting as our little boy keeps moving towards becoming who he is destined to be...


emily said...

I know you will all do great... and 2pm sounds like a great time for a pedicure :)

Jessica said...

Emily beat me to should give yourself a little treat in the late afternoon to help pass the time. I know you will be on edge all day, wondering how it is going, but I'm sure things will be great!!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about you guys today, knowing that Reagan's starting his new school. I'm sure he did GREAT!!! and you should definitely try enjoy a couple of days to yourself before school starts. I'm excited for you!

Anonymous said...

I agree that a treat is in order in the afternoons this week! Especially since you will be on your feet a lot in the coming weeks, Mrs. Babbitt! I am excited for both you and Reagan...

Unknown said... was it??!!?!?!?!? Inquiring minds want to know - even if it is only a one liner!