Hello, My Name is Kelly

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

And this is my blog.

My poor neglected blog.

I have so much to write about that I can't think of anything to say.

But first of all, I have to thank Em. I checked the mail yesterday, and she sent me a working mom care package. Here, take a look at what I got!

As a brand new working mom, I feel the need to simplify my life. Becky doesn't know that I have this need, but she was so gracious to already have a pic of my care package! (Ok, that's Becky's care package.)

Emily, thank you so much for thinking of me. I'm really looking forward to my magazine subscription about working moms/women. I will certainly pay it forward.

On to "me" news. My BABY turns 4 next week, and his party is this weekend. He picked out Spiderman invites. Um, ok. How does he know about Spiderman? I don't know. But I went with it. While we were looking at Spiderman cakes the other day (because he DID get the Spiderman invites), he picked out a Madagascar cake.

Huh? A 2-themed party? Ok. Whatever floats your boat, Birthday Boy.

And he wants Transformers napkins. (No, we don't watch Transformers on tv. Stuff like this must be embedded in boy DNA.)

Ok, 3 themes. But I'm drawing the line there!

I mean, how often do you turn 4? Only once, right? So he can have whatever he wants. (Just don't laugh at him.)


Mommy said...

Since he's going to be 4 - why not throw in plates of a differnt theme! HA
How is work going???

Unknown said...

Very cool care package!! Used to LOVE those in college! Good to hear from you I was starting to worry that work was consuming you! Check in when you can!

Anonymous said...

Ben had a self-titled "Whatever Party" that involved fish, lizards, monster trucks and wall-E.
He (politely - or not) informed me later that I forgot to include plastic bugs.

So sorry my man.

It was a lot to keep track of :-)

Happy (almost) birthday Reagan!

Anonymous said...

You have an almost 4 year old! I'm so glad you posted a quick update. I have been checking! How is the job? :-)