Tuesday, September 09, 2008

2008 (or two thousand eight if you're a 3rd grade teacher at this point during the year), SLOW DOWN! Slam on your brakes! You are going way too fast, and I need to stop this ride.

September is almost 1/2 way over. Which means that my very best girlfriend's son is almost one. ALMOST ONE! One.

And guess what happens right after that? My baby turns F-O-U-R. What? An official kid?! That can't be. Because every single year I have felt the same way..."He's not a baby anymore". Yet, every single year I think every single day, "He's my baby."

Ah, that feels better. Yes, he IS my baby. That is my mantra. "He's my baby. He's my baby. He's my baby."

Maybe that will keep the F-O-U-R's away.

(And what comes after Reagan's birthday?? CHRISTMAS!!!! Slow down, I tell you!!!)


Unknown said...

They will ALWAYS be our babies. we just can't let on that WE know that!! :)

Mommy said...

Whoa...slow down. Seriously - you're freakin' me out!

Maybe Emily could make you a spreadsheet for Christmas!

rebekca said...

You know what also comes after Christmas? A well needed break for the teachers before it all starts up again!

If I moved at your calendar pace, I'd be almost half way through my nursing program.

hmmmm....I'm considering your thought process.

Gina said...

Hope the school year is not so crazy now that you are a few weeks into it! Hope the sickies are gone and stay away!

emily said...

You surviving?