Don't Forget the Lyrics

Saturday, September 05, 2009

For those of you (all of us) that do not know the words to the Yellow song, here they are! Reagan was thoughtful enough to write them down for you. (excuse my voice--I'm a teacher, not an American Idol)
He kind of did some short hand and just drew the pictures of the "early morning sun", "daffodils and baby ducks", "lemonade and scrambled eggs", "smiley face", and "happy fellow". But I think you get the idea.
Here's the story: Reagan's class learns a color of the week, and there is a song for every color. The first week of school was the week for yellow. He actually first learned these songs during his second year of TPK when he was 2 and 3, but he wasn't writing then.
When he was outside this morning he found his yellow sidewalk chalk. I told him to write "yellow" for me--he had done this at school last week for his teacher, Mrs. Burch. I wasn't expecting him to write out the whole song!!!

I'm just a tiny bit proud. :)


Megan said...

Amazing! You have such a smart SMART boy.

Wow. I am really impressed!