
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Yeah, ok. It has been FOREVER since I have written on my blog. But, hey! I have changed my background several times since the "Yellow Song" post!

I have a long story about Reagan's Halloween costumes. Yes, that was meant to be plural. Here goes:

For weeks Reagan was telling me all of the things that he wanted to be for Halloween: Wolverine, Bumblebee (a Transformer), Anakin Skywalker, Darth Vader, etc. I wanted to wait as long as I could before I bought a (singular) costume because I knew he'd change his mind many, many times. Finally, a couple of weeks before the big day, we browsed websites in search for cool costumes.

We saw a cool C-3PO (Star Wars) costume, and he liked that. Then we saw a really cute Handy Manny costume, and I thought for sure that he said he wanted to be Handy Manny. So I ordered it! The next morning I said something about him being Handy Manny, and he said, "No! I want to be C-3PO!". I asked David, and he said that HE heard Reagan say that he wanted to be C-3PO.

So I was wrong, and I fixed that mistake by ordering C-3PO. If you're keeping count, that is TWO Halloween costumes.

We also have a great Spiderman costume that he loves. He got it for Christmas. Three costumes.

On Monday before Halloween we had to go to Goodwill to search for David a costume. While shopping Reagan spied a devil's tail--complete with a tip covered in red sequins. He asked if he could have it, and I thought "why not". It was only a $1, and he could wear it around the house. He looked and looked for horns, but all we could find were these really curvey red sunglasses, and Reagan loved them.

On Friday at school we had a book character parade where the students (and teachers--but there is NO evidence of me as a Munchkin, thank God) dress like characters from their favorite book. We're lucky enough to have no less than 26 books about Star Wars so Reagan was safe to wear his C-3PO costume.

Uh, he's the gold one looking at his book. Sorry that it isn't a great picture.

On the actual day of Halloween he woke up wanting to be C-3PO. In the afternoon he wanted to be a cowboy (his costume LAST YEAR that we still have--costume count is now 5, if you count the devil tail and glasses). But by the evening when it was time to get dressed he wanted to be Handy Manny. Yippee!! I was relieved. I didn't actually get a picture of that, but I have the next best thing.

David dressed up like Reagan. What a great dad!

So here's why I have no pictures of Reagan as Handy Manny. When we got to my nephew's house to go trick-or-treating, Reagan changed his mind. He wanted to wear his devil tail and glasses. I tried to reason with him--have you ever tried to reason with a five year old? It doesn't work. And I decided this was a battle not worth fighting.

Unfortunately all we had was a green Frankenstein shirt. So he looked NOTHING like a devil.

At one house a person handing out candy said, "Here's some candy for the ninja. And some for Elmo. And some for the *pause* kid in the green shirt."

Oh my.