Alone Time

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I am having a few minutes home alone right now. David and Reagan went to dinner tonight while I went to a bible study. I obviously got home before they did, because, well, I'm alone.

I've picked up the kitchen mess. I had some dinner (not a satisfying one). I've checked my email and the blogs.

And now I don't know what to do.

Don't take that as I'm bored. I'm really enjoying this time because I have been so busy for the past few days. I would really like to go and sit in front of the tv.

But there is the problem. I know that as soon as I hit the power button on the remote, I will then hear the sound of David's car in the driveway.

And as much as I love those two boys I'm just not ready to hear that familiar sound yet.

So I'm not going to go and turn the tv on. I'm just going to continue to wander around my house hoping that will buy me a few more minutes of alone time.


Mommy said...

Its a great feeling, isn't it?

Mommy said...

I tagged you....