My Journey~~Week 6

Monday, April 14, 2008

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. But if you're really itchin' for a Kelly post, I did blog everyday for the months of January, Februrary, and March. Just go to the archives. Hee hee...

I had an ok week. I didn't eat my best of the last 6 weeks, but I did eat better than I have in several years. My obstacle this week was cookies. Reagan wanted to make sugar cookies in the first 1/2 of the week, and Reese's Pieces cookies during the second 1/2. And we make the kind that are already made and cut into cute little circles. Which makes it very easy to pop a raw cookie dough nugget into your mouth. Way too easy.

So I had a few cookies. Not too many, but a few. And I did count them. But I also went into my weekly reserve 35 points. And I haven't done this too much since I started WW.

I did exercise 4 times. Two nights I walked with the boys. And on Saturday and Sunday David and I did yard work. All. day. long. (another post to come soon)

Weight loss: -.6 pounds
Total loss: -16.2 pounds
Goals: Get back on track with water!! Why is it so hard for me to even fit one stinkin' glass of water in per day? Eat more veggies.


rebekca said...

Yay! You're awesome and amazing and inspiring and beautiful!

Missed you on Thursday! We actually DANCED! I may have just shuffled my feet side to side 80's style now that I think about it...

Mommy said...

What do you drink all day? Anything? I am partial to crystal light....or adding fruit slices to water when I NEED more. It helps.

But...KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! Excellent job on the excercising...thats GREAT!

And did anyone get a video of Becky "dancing"?

rebekca said...

I'm in for a walk next week! How about once the guys get home from work???