My Journey~~Week 7 ??

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I'm not weighing in this week. But before anyone thinks, "Oh, ok. Here it comes," I am still losing weight according to my scale. I lose a bit every other day.

The reason I'm not weighing in is a complicated one. Well, not so much complicated as it is just a long drawn out excuse.

I started WW on a Sunday after lunch. So when I go there at 2pm on Sunday to weigh in, I have a belly full of lunch~~usually of salad or of a sandwich. But on the days that I haven't been able to get there on a Sunday I go in on Monday at 10am. This is before anything has even entered my mouth...and therefore my tummy is empty.

So I didn't want to go in on Sunday after my huge (yet healthy) sandwich on Sunday just to see a plus sign instead of a minus sign in front of a number. I'm going to use my one "no weigh in pass" this week so I can get back on track of weighing in (with a full belly) on Sundays.

Makes sense, right?


Mommy said...

If you've been to WW makes TOTAL sense! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

emily said...

It makes total sense :)

rebekca said...

Look at you and your fancy new layout!!

I'm proud of you!