April Flowers, Not Showers

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Let me just say, I love my husband very, very much.

We have been married almost 6 years. On our anniversaries we try to follow the traditional and/or modern gift ideas for each other. For example, 1st year anniversary traditional gifts should be "paper".

The 4th year anniversary gift is flowers. David is always good about getting me something tangible, but he often times offers a gift that "will be". So on June 22, 2006, I received a beautiful Crate and Barrel blue vase. But I also received a promise to finally do the landscaping in our yard.

The year was 2006.

As of two weeks ago, nothing had happened to our yard.

But everything is changing!! We (uh, David) took out 3+ huge yucca plants that had gone wild. And on Saturday we're going to have dirt and mulch delivered!

Yippee!! I know that this will be a long process since we didn't just win the lottery and therefore can't afford everything all at once. But it is starting to come together.

I'm going to use this small space to remind myself that we started our interior project~~the floors~~in March 2004. And those still aren't done.

By the way, last year's gift was wood. We were going to spend our 5th anniversary at Hyatt's Lost Pines Resort...lots of wood there! But we never got around to that one either.

However, I got this and this instead. I'm not complaining!


emily said...

NICE gifts! WOW. YAY on the yard work. sounds like fun :)

Unknown said...

I'm finally ready to do stuff to our yard too - same again where the money is an issue - but a little here and a little there will go a long way - eventually!

rebekca said...

Hey Kelly!

Do you want to get together some time this week after the guys get home and go walking at town lake or somewhere scenic?

Let me know!

rebekca said...

oh, yeah. And I am officially scheduling a "man-date" for Sebastian and David, because that necklace IS A-W-E-S-O-M-E! We (he) need pointers over here.