It Ain't No Beans and Rice

Thursday, April 03, 2008

We have a huge, annoying problem in my house. I could easily tell you that it is all Reagan's fault, but is mine. All mine. I'm the culprit.

Maybe I can throw some of the blame onto David...

Anyways, I always have to make Reagan something different from what David and I are eating at dinner time. Most of the time this doesn't bother me because I do tend to make more grown-up meals...tilapia in about 16 different ways, spiced-up chicken breasts, more tilapia, an occasional steak (if David read the blog, he'd be thinking "when do we get steak?"), tilapia, etc. So usually I'm ok with handing Reagan a plate full of Dino nuggets or a corn dog.

Oh, and lately I've been getting deli ham and turkey sliced at a number 7. That way he gets a "healthier" meat. Because I'm thinking corn dogs aren't the healthiest protein you can have.

There are times that I do make a kid-friendly food. Like spaghetti. What kid doesn't like spaghetti?


He won't even try it. "I don't like it." You haven't even tried it. "It's too yucky." Just try it. "I want Dino nuggets."

And here is where I'm at fault. The kid gets Dino nuggets.

So then I started putting both things on his plate. Whatever we're eating, and something he'll eat.

Guess what. Just the Dino nuggets disappear.

Well last night was going to be different! David was at a happy hour and was going to be late. So I decided to make Red and White Tortelli (I highly recommend this. And I'm on Weight Watchers...this is only 8 points a serving!!!) I told Reagan that we were having a special dinner since it was just going to be the two of us.

I even lit the candles on the table because he likes that. (He then asked for [birthday] cake.)

Y'all. I had to bribe the kid to eat one bite of it with an oreo cookie. He had two bites, and I gave him 1/2 the oreo. I told him to eat the rest of his dinner to get the other 1/2 while the 1/2 sat staring at Reagan from across the table.

He ate some more. I was thinking, "Hey! I may have made a family-friendly meal!!" Then I asked him if he liked it, and he said "no".

He had one bite that for some reason didn't agree with his mouth so he spit it out. "I want my black cookie!" (oreo) You need to eat your dinner first. "It's too yucky!" Do you want help?

I had to feed my THREE AND A HALF YEAR OLD dinner. But only 1/2 of what was left on his plate. I was fully expecting him to spit more of it out, but he ate everything I shoved in there.

You'd think I were force feeding him dirt.

Which he'd probably eat.

For a black cookie.


Jenny said...

If it makes you feel any better, my Ben - who has never had a corn dog in his life - thinks all veggies are "yucky" and has to be spoon fed to get his dinner most nights. Frustrating.
Keep up the variety, it'll pay off eventually - maybe just in good HDL levels when he's an adult :-)

Jessica said...

You have much more patience than I kids eat what we eat or not at all. Ok, there are a few exceptions and if we're going heavy on the seasoning, I will cut off a piece of the meat and cook it with less flavor. But I've seen the worst...I have younger cousins who are extra-ordinarily picky. As in, they mostly eat plain noodles and cheese.

Go with the variety, he'll learn to like it and you'll (hopefully) be much less frustrated and not have to cook 2 dinners!!

Mommy said...

I'm so there. Tommy NEVER wants to eat what we're having. I have started just putting part of my dinner on his plate - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. He DOES eat just about EVERYTHING at school...but thats probably because all the other kids are eating.
Just keep giving him what you're eating. He'll eat it. Eventually. My Ped says as long as he's drinking milk and eating SOMETHINg - he's still growing and he's not worried.

rebekca said...

Oh, Gabriel doesn't eat. He just drinks milk.

Well, there is an occasional chicken nugget. But, for the most part...milk, milk, milk. And he is SOOO HEAVY! And a good 2-3 inches taller than Homer, so I'm good with it.

There will come a day when we won't have enough food in the pantry and refrigerator to meet their hunger needs, so roll with it. and Don't Dino nuggets have like 12 grams of protein in only 4?!?

I'll take it :)

Unknown said...

Hey Kelly: The spaghetti thing - sometimes - very rarely Regan will eat it will the actual sauce, she prefers to eat the noodles with parmesian cheese on them - yes, basically noodles dry. But she will eat it all. Keep it up - he will come around.

Anonymous said...

Joshua would eat chicken nuggets for breakfast lunch and dinner if I let him:O You seem to be on the right track.