Vend the Wormy

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

**UPDATE: Vend is no longer "Vend". Just "Wormy"

Ah, the joys of being the mother of a boy. A boy who has a father that tells him that it is ok the dig in the dirt. It is "fun to get dirty". This is a concept that I just do not understand. And when this activity gets started (everyday) I have to will myself to bite my tongue and not continually say, "Where are the wipes? Let's wipe your hands. Oh, now your knees are dirty. Let's go clean up before we dig some more. Not in the mud! Now your clothes are dirty."

Yeah, that's me. I don't like it when the dirt gets dirty. (Blame my mother...)

Today the digging led to us adopting a new pet. Observe:

His name is Vend. Vend the Wormy. I'm not quite sure that Vend is very happy. He does, however, have this for a new home:

...but I don't think he's moving anymore.


Unknown said...

You had me rolling about the whole dirt concept. I don't mind it but I know there are those who do. I'm impressed that you bite your tongue! Love Vend's new accomodations, can you get me a condo like that?!!