Ah, Fishy

Saturday, August 23, 2008

It is a sad night here. Fishy is now at home on God's kitchen counter in the best aquarium available, I'm sure. Poor little guy. I did everything I could to make him healthy.

Maybe I did too much.

I'm worried about how Reagan will react tomorrow morning. Just yesterday he was showing Fishy things he had made with his Legos.

I enjoyed Fishy...especially the week that he was healthy and happy. Not that he's replacable, but I'm looking forward to finding a new fish.

This time we'll purchase from a fish-specific store. Not Petco.

(raise your glasses)
Here's to Fishy!


Anonymous said...

Poor Fishy! I hope the new inhabitant of the aquarium has a much, much happier fate that good old Fishy!

Thinking about you guys! It was back to school night around here - I hope things are going well! Post pics of your classroom when you can!

Kelly said...

Aw, poor Fishy! Hopefully Reagan handles this well.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear about Fishy, please pass along my condolences to Reagan - tee hee. Well, I'm serious! It is still kind of funny though too. GL with the next one!