More Than a One-Liner

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Yesterday was ok.

Just ok.

First of all, my first impressions of Reagan's two teachers were not that great at all. PLUS, I wasn't expecting a "first impression" because I thought I had already met his teacher(s). But (1) he went into a different room than I was expecting, (2) two teachers I had never seen before, and (3) neither one of the teachers came up and introduced themselves to me.

On top of that, Reagan was so excited about going into his room and playing! I was glad to see he was excited. But as soon as we walked in, the name-less teachers had him wash his hands so that the class could go into the lunchroom for snack. So David and I left him with this pitiful look on his face. He look defeated. It was heartbreaking.

So I cried all the way home.

And for the first hour or two while I was at home by myself.

This just shows me that no matter how well I know myself, my mom knows me better. Remember how she called me on Sunday night to check up on me? And I was all "I'm fine! I'm looking forward to the three days by myself!!". Ha! A mother always knows...

Here's the happy ending:
(1) Reagan WILL be in the "blue" room with the teacher I had met before. This starts at the start of the school year on August 25th. Right now all the 3 year olds are in one room together since the classes are not full (remember, this is a brand new preschool). He will be in the blue room with the older 3's.
(2) When I picked him up, he was so happy! And he told me he had a great day. Even though one of the teachers told me that he was quiet all day and a bit sad some of the day. Especially at nap. BUT Reagan said he had a great day! That is what is important.
(3) All three teachers came up to me and introduced themselves when I went to pick them up. So all is well.

Nap time is going to be an adjustment for Reagan. He wanted his cup of water with him and for me to lay down with him. That will just take some time getting used to the new nap thing.

As for my day yesterday after the tears, I just cleaned the house. I would have felt guilty if David came home to a disaster area while I had been home all alone. But I plan on keeping the house spotless (sort of) for the rest of the week so that I can enjoy my 2 days of freedom before I start work next week.


Jessica said...

Aww...I'm sorry it wasn't as easy as it could have been, but glad there were no real issues. I always want things to be perfect and happy for my kids, and sometimes forget that the people taking care of them are 'normal' people too. But you both made it through the day which is a HUGE step!! Hope you get to enjoy yourself a little more today!

Jessica said...

P.S. Thanks for the book suggestion--I am going to check it out!!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a solid day - really. I know it didn't seem like it at the time. But he even said he liked it and had a good day! He will adjust - you know that :). First time I took Regan to the Pre-K, I thought I would get a tour and all that too - uhm NO, that didn't happen. So imagine freaking out for about 4 months now, wondering if you really made the right decision. Last Wed. had our tour AND met her teacher (actually both 4 yo teachers). So NOW I finally feel much better about it. You are doing Great girl, keep your chin up!

Mommy said...

Mornings are always crazy in a school - the teacher's primary concern was probably the kids! I'm glad that he liked it - and I'm sure there will be days he comes home and does NOT like it! But this is HUGE....
and even though you're feeling guilty - try TRY to do something all for you today!